TMM's Pansexual Latinx woman who likes to hear what people have to say.


Geebs is one half of TasteMaker Radio podcast, Tasty Tunes Tuesdays. They bridge the gap between gender and labels by asking the hard questions to guests. Now the tables are turned and we get to ask Geebs the questions! Read below for laughs and smiles as we navigate through this Covid19 Pandemic and racial justice new world.


What is the one word that comes to mind when you think of TasteMakers Media? 


What podcast do you host and / or produce?  

I host Tastemaker's Tuesdays with Zebrah

What is your podcast about and who have been some of your past guests?

We cover underground electronic music from new music to news. We also extended to interviewing local artists in Los Angeles. We have had social media influencers, such as Candy Ken, as well as local DJs.

When and where can the world hear your podcast?

On the Dash Radio app, under the Loud Station, or the Tastemaker's app on Google play

We usually are on air from 4pm-6pm on Tuesdays

What is your personal insta and podcast insta?

Personal: @lowkeygeebs

Podcast: @tastemaker_media

What inspired you to begin your podcast and/or how did you become involved in the show?

I applied to intern for a previous podcast they had on the show and gradually I was made host of the show we have today.

As a tastemaker, can you recommend any other podcasts that are just as awesome?

Veda's Rewind Wednesday

The Last Podcast on the Left


What do you love most about working with the TasteMakers Family? 

Everyone is super welcoming and overall genuinely nice people. We have fun every time we link up.

Since quarantine, have you continued to record the show? 

I recorded like two shows with my cohost but I got busy with work so I haven't been recording much. We hope to start again soon.

If so, what is your recommended setup for recording podcasts at home?  

Zebrah usually just set up two mics, connected it through his laptop to record our audio.  I dunno, he is the podcast engineer genius!

If not, although you've been streaming past shows, when are you planning on coming back on air?

Still no word as when the studios will be opening.

Who is the funniest tastemaker at TasteMakers Media?

 It's between Paper, Nemo, and Broker

Who is the most fashionable tastemaker at TasteMakers Media?

Nemo and True 

Who has the best kicks at TasteMakers Media? 


Who has the best taste in music at TasteMakers Media and why and/or what do they listen to?

Justin has an impeccable taste for hip hop

Paper has a variety of recommendations in electronic music 

True has the chillest local artists to recommend

What music do you listen to?

I listen mostly to hip hop but at times I venture into some electronic music and rock and roll 


Do you have a specific art / passion / business that you would like to mention?

As far as art, I'm big on sketching and self expression through any art form. Journalism and obtaining someone's rawest form even in just talking to them are a big factor as to how I carry my persona especially on the radio.

Before Covid hit, what was your favorite place to hang out in LA?

General Lee's in Chinatown 

After Covid hit, what is your new favorite place to hang out in LA? 


What is craziest thing you said and/or did to get into a club/concert/rave for free and/or backstage?

Dressed as a caterer to get into a festival.

What are your thoughts on the Covid19 pandemic? 

It sucks that it really cut into different ventures but we have to continue doing our part in making sure this passes soon.

How do you feel about what happened to George Floyd and what are your thoughts on how America is reacting?

No man should have to beg for his life defenselessly as 5 other men stack on top of him. Everything that is happening from the protests to the riots is just the product of oppression and tension build up. 

What did you binge watch or listen to during quarantine?

I watched a lot of movies from the 90s, I listened mostly to hip hop, some underground.


What hobbies have you picked up during quarantine?

I picked up learning a bit of the guitar and learning to play Yu Gi Oh

What is your favorite fitness activity since quarantine?

Yoga and jogging

What have you learned about yourself since quarantine? 

Learned more about self-care 

What is your favorite food to cook?


What is the tastiest “take out” in LA?  

Teriyaki combo plate from Olympic Burger in K-town

What is a quote that inspires you?  (could be your own or someone else’s)

I don't know where I've been lately, but I've been alright


What is your truth?

As many sides there are to a story, make sure yours is the closest to the actual truth.

Katherine Wentworth